Manager Message

Manager's Message.....

According to Kothari commission "The destiny of India is developing in its classrooms." The future of India is being prepared in its schools. 

The purpose of education is not only limited to the book but can be exhaustive as the teacher would like to make it. It can cover all the realms of life. 

Class rooms are only limited editions of the dialogue of generations. From the churning of shared emotions and information comes about the rediscovery of what abides. This self discovery is the guarantee of healthy continuity. The generously large contributions have been reassuringly indicative of the wealth of the talent and involvement and work my teachers are putting in apart from their academic responsibilities. 

An expression of the developing identity can be seen and left at the growing Arya Vartt Public School. I would like to congratulate all the staff and students and their parents. Our expectations for the future are even higher than the past year. The efforts have to be continuous and unending on both sides with the objective of making Arya Vartt Public School an institution where there are not only understanding teachers and students but also responsibility and exemplary parents.    

Mr. Uday Prakash